I offer parking space in my open stable - Hello, You are between 12-14 years old, love horses and are looking for a stable for your pony ? Then you've come to the right place! I am 13 years old and absolutely crazy about horses!
ABOUT US: We have a small open stable near Waldkirchen with 2 geldings and a mare. We have huge paddocks and a fantastic riding area and recently added a riding arena. REQUIREMENTS: You must be between 12-14 years old and bring a PONY as we are only looking to add one pony to our small herd. Your pony MUST be INSURED ! The fee for your pony is 100€. Additional feed must be provided by yourself [e.g. apples, muesli etc.] The stable work is divided up and you should have time at least 1× during the week and 1× at the weekend and take care of the stable work. take care of the stable work.
I would be happy to find a horse-crazy friend this way!
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